FVD Securities SA Luxembourg is a bank-independent, insolvency-protected securitisation platform. Our expertise lies in realizing intelligent securitisation solutions for institutional clients.

     The sole purpose of the Company is to enter into one or more securitisation transactions within the meaning of the Securitisation Law. In this context, the Company may, in one or more transactions, take on existing or future risks relating to the participation in assets (whether movable or immovable, tangible or intangible), as well as risks, arising from obligations, taken on by third parties refer to all or part of activities of third parties. The Company can take on these risks by acquiring assets, by guaranteeing liabilites or by self-commitment by other means.

     To the extent permitted by law and in accordance with the Articles of Association, the Company may also transfer, or dispose of, any claims held by it and any other existing or future assets, through one or more transactions or on a continuing basis.

     The Company may, to the full extent permitted, within the limits of the Securitisation Law, invest and perform activities necessary or useful to fulfill and/or develop Company purpose. It may acquire, hold of, dispose of and invest in loans, stocks, bonds, debentures, interest bearing securities, notes, warrants, derivate instruments and securities of all kinds, may pledge assets and grant other guaratnees or collateral of any kind.

FVD Securities SA (Lux)
No.: B251878
21, Rue Glesener,
L-1631 Luxembourg

Nr. LEI 529900XNK07HS4LF4013